Fortissa complies with the principles and guidelines on GDP of Medicinal Products for Human Use as set out under EC Directive (94/C63/03) and with Guidance on Wholesale Distribution Practices as issued by the UK authorities.
It is critical for patient safety that Fortissa and any parties within our global supply chain maintain the quality of the products supplied and maintain the quality of service provided – in order to monitor and uphold the highest standards we therefore implement strict audited policies on:
- Personnel and Training
- Documentation, Procedures & Records
- Premises and Equipment
- Deliveries and Returns of Products
- Emergency Plan, Recalls and Anti-Counterfeit Measures
- Inspections and Self-Inspections
- Provision of information to EC authorities
Our most recent audit by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) was performed in July of 2012 and Fortissa was credited for its high standards, policies and procedures and authorised to continue to trade under the terms of our Licences.
Click here for further information on our Quality Systems or to request a copy of our Wholesale Dealers Licence.

Emergency Medical Supplies
Crucial to delivering quality of care to your patients is having access to the right pharmaceutical supplies without having to worry about regional market shortages or supply problems. On occasions it will occur that essential medicines are not readily available and this is where Fortissa can help.

Brand Defence
Fortissa is well known internationally and in the UK for the quality of our service and supply of key products in the arena of pharmaceutical wholesale, additionally for selected clients we can provide bespoke solutions that help protect brands and market share from competitor threats.