At Fortissa we understand that delivering premium Healthcare Products combined with optimum service levels is a key aspect of quality patient care. However we also understand that there is an environmental impact as a result; the energy used to procure, store, transport and distribute pharmaceuticals impacts on our environment in the form of CO2 emissions.

Our Ship Carbon Neutral Consignments Programme aims to off-set the impact of these CO2 emissions by investing in selected environmental protection projects and in high quality emission certificates.

Investment in Environmental Protection Projects

Only current, high-calibre projects with tested and proven CO2 savings, such as wind farms, biogas plants or solar installations are selected for investment and where the majority of these projects would not have been feasible without the additional financing from off-set funds. As a business located in the UK, Fortissa gives preference to local projects within the British Isles.

Acquisition of Emissions Certificates

Investing in emissions certificates is an Eco policy that aims to off-set emissions while keeping the economic costs as low as possible and usually provides for projects in developing countries. Fortissa only invests in “Gold Standard” emission certificates which are independently managed and guarantees the integrity of the projects in terms of their eco-balance sheet and sustainable development. All Gold Standard projects are evaluated and inspected by independent auditors to assess carbon offset, renewable energies, energy efficiency and sustainability. Moreover, the local population is involved in the project.

pharmaceutical wholesale

Pharmaceutical Wholesale

Fortissa is regulated and licensed by the UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) as an authorised distributor of Human Medicinal Products within the EEA under Licence WL/36434

emergency medical supplies

Emergency Medical Supplies

Crucial to delivering quality of care to your patients is having access to the right pharmaceutical supplies without having to worry about regional market shortages or supply problems. On occasions it will occur that essential medicines are not readily available and this is where Fortissa can help.

Fortissa - brand defence

Brand Defence

Fortissa is well known internationally and in the UK for the quality of our service and supply of key products in the arena of pharmaceutical wholesale, additionally for selected clients we can provide bespoke solutions that help protect brands and market share from competitor threats.


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